Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I used to eat that?

I decided it would be fun and interesting to reflect in different blogs things I used to eat at one sitting.  It is no wonder I use to be a big boy.  I thought not only would this be an interesting look back at the way I was, but also a good way for people to see just exactly what they may be putting into their body.  So for starters, a few nights ago I decided to have a little bit of mac and cheese with a turkey dog.  It brought back memories of what I used to eat.

1 box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  2 Bar S Hot Dogs..

Total Calories                             1290
Total Fat                                       38g
Saturated Fat                                13g
Cholesterol                               175mg
Sodium                                   4150mg
Carbs                                          184g

That is one scary meal, including looking at the sodium.  Makes me very happy that I changed my ways.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I decided I was going to create my own diet.  Using what I know works, and what I have researched I combined it all to have created a pretty successful plan so far.  I was sitting at 202 not just a few days ago, now I am already down to 194.  I am beginning to remember however one of the biggest factors to being able to lose weight.  You have to be dedicated.  Dedication is the key to anything you want to do in your life.

Dedication has gotten me to where I am today.  For 28 years almost, I could not dedicate myself to losing weight.  I would stop, look in the mirror, and say "I need to lose weight."  I would hate what I saw in the mirror to the point of where I'd almost want to just shatter the image that stood before me.  Why is it that we are able to dedicate ourselves to so much in the world but we struggle the most trying to dedicate to our health?

I was a dedicated husband, a dedicated father, and a dedicated worker but I left myself out to hang.  Last night I looked in the mirror and thought back to what I use to see when I would look at myself.  Why did it take so long for me to change how I use to look to what I am now?  I love working out and it can show, I love eating healthy, I love the fact that I can do more now and no longer do I really suffer from the heart troubles that once plagued me.

It's all about dedication.  If you want to diet, you need to become dedicated, end of story.  Once you are dedicated you can make the weight shed off.  

Friday, October 28, 2011

Which way to attack the last 30 pounds...

Last night I weighed in at 202 pounds, and that was a killer to see.  For so long I have hovered between 194 and 197.  Sure, I have had a few huge changes in my life, but is that really an excuse for me to be putting weight back on?  Or is it just more crap that I have to cut and realize that the best way to move on is to get back on track?  I will be picking the latter.  However I have come to a cross roads in how to tackle these next 30 pounds to get myself down to the 170 mark.

The diet that really started things off on the right path was doing a very low carb diet.  It allowed me to change my eating habits, and lose a good amount of weight.  This is also how I suggest people to start when dieting when asked what they should do.

On the other hand I can also just start tracking what I'm going to eat using and see what happens using that program again.  It worked out very well for me after the initial weight loss from the low carb diet.

Either way I am going to need to add back in walking to my daily routine and working out with my weights.  It just becomes the question of which diet I use first to get me going once again.  However at this moment I am leaning towards the low carb alternative where I make sure everything I am eating 100 net carbs or less per day.  I am going to do this for 2 weeks and hope that it can kick start my weight loss once again.  I will keep you posted in how well this goes and what the results end up being, for now I have to cut the crap back out of my life and stop eating that darn candy!  Stupid Halloween!!!!! haha.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tragic news=Tragic situation

This past September I lost my childhood friend in a sad unexpected way. Jason Mertz was one of a kind. His death left a hole in me my heart and emptiness in my soul.  This has lead to me not being in the right frame of mind to either exercise or write on my blog.

Through the struggles I have had a hard time keeping my weight at where its been.  I have not been caring what it was that I have to eat.  I have been eating a lot more candy.  I have also not been exercising or going for walks.  It has been a struggle to get my engines back running.  Luckily I have not gained much weight, only about 7 pounds.

Losing someone can make it really hard to function and return back to your everyday self, let alone be able to lose weight.  However I will be able to reflect back on memories and use them as motivation as I get myself back to losing weight and my goal of getting to that 100 pounds lost goal.

I remember this last time we hung out, we went down to Lincoln City for a weekend to enjoy the beach.  Jason was upset that he was no longer able to call me a fat head.  He was so impressed with the amount of weight I had loss that he decided he needed to search out a new nick name, I think he was going to just stick to big head haha.  

Jason suffered from Aspergers, so fathead was not a big deal to me growing up, that was just Jason being Jason.  Whenever he gave me a hard time I knew deep down how much respect and love he had for me.  He would tell my wife Kate multiple times just how proud he was of me, how much he respected me, and that meant so much to me.  Even though he could never really tell me, knowing how he really felt made me feel really good about myself.

I always admired how he would be there for my family and I.  Whenever we needed help, he would be there to try and fix the situation.  I feel bad I was not around him more than I was, but we always will have those feelings when the time becomes too late.

I know he is in Heaven right now and doing his all to get me to get back to losing weight again.  I have felt him near me many times and know that I need to keep going.  He was always impressed at how much weight I am losing and encouraged me to keep it up.  I know even beyond the veil he still is rooting for me.  I need to take this new motivation and keep on my path of weight loss.  I'm close to the 100 pound lost mark, and need to destroy that goal before working on a new one.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We meet again Wii Fit...

     It had been over 100 days since I had last stepped on to the Wii fit.  Today I finally decided it was time to tackle it again.  There have been many reasons why I have not been able to get onto the Wii.  From the fact that I am trying to get use to a full time schedule, to the fact that I have been doing a lot of strength exercise now that I have my Golds Gym machine back from storage.  Also we just moved from our in-laws to a nice house on our own.  So it was nice to see that I have made progress over the past 100 days.  Although it was only 4 pounds, it still was 4 pounds.

     4 pounds is nothing compared to what I have been doing, but the way I have been eating makes me happy because I have not gained.  Getting on the Wii fit was a nice change of pace.  Lifting weights is fun, but nothing feels better then doing the super hula or some good ole yoga.  I think the yoga is what I have missed the most on the Wii.

     34 minutes of the Wii fit really made me remember why I was trying to do it daily.  I was able to burn a 150 calories in that time frame and really stretch out my back.  My back gives me a lot of trouble but has felt better since adding some muscle, the yoga only made it better.  

     So no more excuses now, I have a schedule that is now able to be planned around and a little more time now that the house is mostly done being unpacked.  Wii fit and working out with weights I think I can finish my journey of my weight loss.  My next goal is to get down to 187, that would make it 100 pounds I have lost since October of 09.  That would also be 60 pounds since December of 2010.  I can tell you I have never felt as good as I feel now, but I can only imagine how I will feel if I can keep going!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Starting to hit the weights again

Hitting the weights again...

     Now I have my gym set up and ready to go.  Last few days I have been trying a new workout routine. It is going to take a few weeks to see if anything comes of it, but I have heard nothing but good things about the type of work out I'm doing.  I'm going to work out as much as possible, hopefully 6 times a week.  3 days will be upper body workouts, 3 days be lower body and core.  

     The work out is one that you just keep going until you can't lift another weight that way.  This has been talked about on many different sites I have looked at as one of the best muscle building workouts.  However, I'm not going to see (flex) for a month so I can see the progress all at once.  We'll see how that goes however.  

     I'm still not losing the weight and I know deep inside I need to start tracking what I eat again using Sparkpeople.  So Sparky here I come again! I'll keep you updated! 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Moving means losing weight right?...


     So we moved out of the place we were staying and moved into a place of our own.  Very nice house, and lots of stuff that had to be moved.  I was excited for more than one reason.  First reason, finally get to have my family living in a house of our own again after 15 long months (thanks to those who put up with us haha).  Second reason was, moving all this stuff and all the exercise I was about to partake in, I was bound to lose some weight.

     Well, what I didn't take into account was the fact that eating was going to be a little difficult.  Dominoes here, Jack in the Box there, and my full time work diet that I talked about last night, really did a number.  I haven't really gained, but all of that extra work I did with moving seems to be the only thing that has kept me where I am.  That and those almost daily walks.  

     We are all human and bound to make mistakes.  I need to learn to control myself again and get on a routine so that I can better monitor what I eat.  Not only do I need to go back to monitoring what I eat, but I really need to start my strength workouts again.  I have my gym, it's time to cut my crap and start hitting it hard! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The diet that is not working...

Finding a way to overcome...

     Lately I have been stagnate in my diet.  It seems I have hit a rock that will not move.  I'm at 195 pounds and I know people seem to think that I am fine at this weight, but in reality I'm still overweight and need to still drop hopefully 20 pounds.  There are many reasons why this has happened, but one shines brighter than the rest.

     I have started working full time at my job.  This is different than I"m use too.  I'm use to only working four hours or so at one job, having a few hours to come home and do things and then work at a different job.  Now, it's eight to nine hours of working, with a half an hour break.  

     During that half an hour I will go out for walks, sometimes taking something easy with me to eat.  This easy thing is normally a sandwich or a bag of nuts.  Other times I will not take anything at all.  However, I do go for that daily walk and I think that is the only thing that has kept me from not gaining.

     So what I have here is most of the time I will eat breakfast.  I then go through the rest of the day not really eating anything.  So by night time I'm starving and eat and eat and eat.  This has been a killer and a habit I am trying to get out of.  Struggling is not fun, but it is a good learning experience.  We all are going to have our ups and downs, its getting past the downs that gives us great experience.  

     Hopefully, I can break this here in the next week or so.  Kind of getting tired of not losing weight anymore, I know in my heart I still have more to go. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crazy week

Court is done

     April 6th 2008 is a date when my whole world came crashing to a stop, literally.  At the time I was working full time at the post office, while working my Sundays at Pizza Hut.  I had made this drive over a thousand times, each time without any incident.  I guess my number was up.  With just one quick glance to my right my car was suddenly no longer on the same path I had intended for it.  

     I have been driving for years.  Not once was I ever in an accident that occurred while actually driving.  You never expect it to be you, but I guess after years of my jobs being purely delivery jobs it was bound to happen.   

    Over a thousand deliveries and this one would end up changing my life forever.  When I was hit, I only had enough time to veer a little to the right and brace my body for impact.  That impact would eventually tear my ACL in my left knee and create a few compression fractures in my back.  I had been losing weight, feeling great, and getting my life back together.  It was then all gone.

     Only recently have I been able to get back on track.  Finally I was able to get my court date and finish all the madness.  I will say that things ended up going my way which I am glad.  But who knew that it would be so stressful and so draining.  I will have to write more about the inner workings of the court case next.  For now, I just wanted to let everyone know where I have been and why I have been away from the computer.  Hope you enjoy! 


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Long two weeks

It's been a few weeks

     Due to having to be out of town and working a lot more it has been hard finding any sort of free time.  I just want to say sorry to my followers but I will be posting more soon.  Stay tuned!  

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Feels good

Words of Encouragement

     I think that the best feeling I have gotten from all of this, is the words that come from my wife.  Last night while we were getting ready for bed she noticed just how much I have lost from my legs.  She told me how she didn't think I had anything to lose from there, but now they were so "little" and muscular.  It is amazing how the small saying like that have a deep impact in me.  She is the biggest reason why I have accomplished anything in my adult life.

     If it was not for her I might still not be working, or if I was not the jobs that I have had and loved.  I know I never would have gone to school, I use to talk about it, but never did I act on it.  She made me believe in myself and encouraged me to take the next step, now I'm just two classes away from my bachelors degree.     

     When it came to losing weight, she was the biggest reason why.  I knew I had to and needed to do it for myself, but I think we all need external forces to help.  It was her believing in me that kicked all of this off.  For that, I thank her, for changing my life in many ways.  School, kids, and my own health.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Getting a sweat going...

     Dancing to the Oldies...

     Today I did what started out to be one of the most embarrassing workouts to date.  That's right, I took the leap into dancing, not just dancing but dancing while Richard Simmons was on the television. What was I thinking?  At first I was pretty embarrassed and barely moving to the moves.    Then I saw that my wife and my daughter were really starting to get really into it and I decided, what the heck, what do I have to lose besides calories.

    What can I say, he is a silly man who may have some issues, but he knows how to exercise and get the blood pumping.  After just 20 minutes I was close to burning 200 calories.  I don't care how embarrassing it was at first, it was worth it seeing the numbers and feeling my heart work out.  This just goes to prove, if you want to lose weight, you cannot let anything get in your way.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Extra motivation and help

Walking with friends and family

     A few days ago my wife decided that we would start exercising together as a family.  This morning was the first attempt at this.  The kids were all for it, so we started by turning on some good music, doing a few stretches, and decided to go on a walk.  

     Walks are much more entertaining when you have others to join you.  It was a lot of fun being able to walk with my kids and wife and enjoy each others company.  I would highly recommend finding someone to go with you when you take your walks, it really makes it more desirable.   

     Now instead of fighting with myself on whether or not I will be going for a walk, I would have to fight with my kids and wife too.  That is not something I plan on doing, I've learned.  It is nice to have that extra motivation and drive from others who are excited to exercise.  I think this will help me get over the hump that I have been stuck on for the past few weeks.  I still have more goals to meet.  

Monday, June 20, 2011

The football gift...

The gift that never gave... thankfully.

     Growing up I always would hear the same thing be told to me, "You look like a football player. " This had to do with my broad shoulders, and stocky look.  I would then be asked the dreaded question of, why don't you play?  Over and over I had the same answer, my heart and doctor will not let me.

     It was tough growing up and not being able to do something you loved.  I would watch television and desire to play. I would play on the ps2 and have the same desire.  I would play with my friends and almost always be one of the best players that were there.  However, I would run out of gas quickly.  My breathing would become hard, my heart would start to race, and I would feel the arrhythmia start to take over my heart.  This would be my reminder to why I couldn't play football for a league.  

     All throughout football season I would watch others partake in the sport that I loved.  I would dream of playing for the Huskies, I would dream of catching a touchdown pass from my favorite quarterbacks, or running over the defense on the way to a touchdown, or making that game changing tackle in the backfield.  I eventually became angry with the thoughts and the truth of the situation.  I hated God because of the limitation that had been put on me.  I felt here I was, just a kid, with skills that could take me far in a sport I loved, but I couldn't use them.  How dare He do this to me.  

     I struggled to understand why things were the way they are.  I didn't want to be limited in what I could do.  The truth hurt, and so did the questions of those who did not know my past.  Why didn't I play football?  I could only wish that I knew then what I know now.  One bad hop and my career could have been over, then what?  Instead I'm able to raise a wonderful family, work and do the things I enjoy, not be worried about some lockout, and things like that.  If I had become what I desired I would not have a life that was unimaginable. 

     We may want to fulfill our desires, but if it is not in our plans then we have to understand there are reasons for this.  Dwelling on the past or dwelling on things we cannot do will only get in the way of things that we can achieve.  If I just dwelt on the bad of my life, I never would have met my wonderful wife Kate.  I would not be just three classes away from my bachelors degree.  I would not have the life that has been created.  

    It took a long time, but I have realized that dwelling on the can nots in life will only get in the way of the can's.  Our paths are usually altered for a reason.  I never would have had my beautiful wife and children if mine wasn't, and I thank Heavenly Father for that. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thank you

To my readers...

    These past few days I have had different people message me or talk to me in person about how I have helped them out.  I will be honest, I never imagined I would have had the effect that I have had on people.  I could only of hoped that my blog would maybe help one person see that anything is possible.  Instead I have heard from quite a few the impact it has had on them and it makes me truly humble that I could help.

     If we are given the trials on earth that our Heavenly Father has in store for us, and do nothing with them, we are no better than the man who hides his talent in the dirt.  It is important to know that all your trials are part of His plan and it is important to gain knowledge, experience, and  share the knowledge we receive from those trials. 
     Don't be afraid to email me if you want to tell me your story or just to talk.  Also if you send me your story and would like it published in my blog I'm more than happy to do that as well.  I feel truly blessed for the opportunity I am having.  In closing I just want to say to my readers, Thank You.  I hope you keep reading and keep coming back because I promise you, we are still just beginning.  I have 28 years of history to give insight to haha. 

     Be blessed for I know I truly am. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Shocker...

It was shocking to say the least...

     So people who read this blog may wonder just why it is a big deal that I desire to do things like jog around, play basketball, and things along that line.  First off, always being overweight it didn't take long for me to become out of breath and have my heart start acting up.  This would quickly end any sort of moving around.  However, up until I received my ICD implant I was able to do those things, even if just for a short amount of time.  Since the implant, I have not been able to play basketball or anything in that nature.

     A few months after having the device implanted, my parents and I moved into a new home.  I wanted to do something really cool with the landscaping in the backyard.  I decided I would dig out the back hill and create a type of garden that would go down the hill in tiers.  After planning how I would accomplish this and after getting the materials was ready to set off to work.

    I had dug out quite a bit over a period of time with no problem.  However, one day while digging I started to feel something very weird and different go on with my heart.  Suddenly I felt my device do a couple of weird beats followed suddenly by what I can only explain as being so powerfully punched in the chest that I almost fell onto my backside.  The taste of electricity engulfed all of my senses.  A dark cloud quickly washed over my day and a fear had started to be instilled into me.  

    This was the beginning of a new anxiety and fear being instilled into my mental state.  I started to become fearful of doing too much and knew that there were now many things which I could no longer do.  It killed me inside knowing that many of the things I loved were gone.  It was the true beginning of my depression and gaining of weight.  I no longer wanted to do anything more than just live carefully, it would only get worse later.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This is why I share...


     "HI Adam! I started to read your cut the crap blog and found the calorie counter that you mentioned on there and started using it. Thanks so much for posting that site up. It has been a help for me in my weight loss goals. I've lost 5 pounds since i started using it. It is a great aid in helping to track what you are eating and making sure you are getting the right things in your body. You are AWESOME Adam! Thanks."

     When I began to blog, it was with the intention of letting everyone know that this is doable.  It takes hard work and dedication but for everyone out there, there is hope.  Growing up I was always overweight and let excuse after excuse after excuse stop me from being the healthy person I longed for deep down.

     This journey has been a long one, and I still struggle day in and day out to maintain what I have done.  If you are not struggling then likely you're not trying.  Daily I have to look in the mirror and remind myself the importance of being healthy.  Yesterday I did something I never thought I'd ever be able to do.  I played a game of half court basketball, I may not have been at full speed, and it may had been with my 8 year old scouts, but I was out there, shooting, passing, and just having a good time.  Every dream has to have a start, when are you going to start your dream?  


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lunch Time Boredness

Was tired of being bored...

     While sitting at work a few days ago on my lunch I started looking around and thinking just how boring it is to be on lunch.  I hate the feeling of not doing anything productive in a small cold looking room.  I would eat my meal, listen to music, and just have all the energy I had in me be sucked out faster than how I use to down pizza.  

     A few days ago I decided I needed to make a change.  I had 30 minutes to play with and wasn't hungry so I decided I was instead going to go out and take a walk.  I walked down Main Street, of course with my music on, and felt a wave of unfounded energy wash over me.  I kept an eye on my watch and when it came close to the half way mark of my lunch, turned around and headed back, sad that I couldn't just keep walking outdoors.  

     This has become my new norm when I am at work.  I think this just comes to show that you can really incorporate working out to any normal routine.  Already in just the few days that I started this little extra workout during the day I have noticed another drop in weight.  It is harder to lose weight when you get closer to your goal, but adding little extras like this sure does help.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Awesome Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed Peppers

4 Green Peppers
1 Cup Bob's Red Mill - Organic Whole Grain Quinoa
20 oz Jennie-O Ground Turkey
2 Cups Campbell's Tomato Bisque Soup
1.5 ounces of cut up Dunbars Sweet Roasted Peppers
1/4 Cup Premium Quality Private Selection Crumbled Feta Cheese
Any spices you'd like

Cook up Quinoa as directed on box.
Brown up ground Turkey
Take the four Green Peppers and cut in half, clean up.
Preheat oven for 350
Mix the Quinoa, Ground Turkey, Sweet Peppers, Spices, Feta Cheese, and Soup.
Put green peppers on cookie sheet and pour in the mixture.
Cook the peppers for 40-50 minutes and enjoy! 

Of course you can always make your own home made tomato sauce to use, I just didn't have the time.  I loved how these turned out however and so did everyone who tried them. 

8 servings each serving =

Calories:                   238
Fat:                          6g
Protein:                    22g
Cholesterol:             39mg
Sodium:                   264 mg
Carbs:                     25g
Sugars:                    6g
Fiber:                      3g

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st weight loss update!

May 1st, 2011
June 1st, 2011
203 198
39 in
37 in
Waist to Hip
Body Fat %

Monday, May 30, 2011

My heart

One thing I've noticed...

     These past few weeks there has been one change I have noticed while losing weight.  This change has been settle but non the less, has occurred.  It is the most exciting thing that has occurred during my diet.  It's not the weight I've loss, the energy I've gained, or the muscles that have been built.  It has to do with my heart.

     I have always had trouble with my heart.  From not allowing me to do sports, to the palpitations I would often get, and even the weird feelings I would get and would stop my life for a few minutes until it felt back to normal.  It has been a struggle and one that I at times was not willing to battle out.  Now that I am losing a lot of weight, I have notice the best change out of everything!

     No longer do I seem to have the palpitations.  I feel like a new man.  My heart does not act up getting out of the shower like it often did for some reason.  No longer does it bog me down when going for walks, or exercising.  This has been my greatest accomplishment to date.  I feel like a new person and have at times even felt like jogging.  Sure it's only a few feet, but I have never had that feeling before in my life and it is a new experience.    

     The question that has started up in my mind is how far do I push it?  I have had my ICD go off on four different occasions on me, and that is not a feeling I wish to have happen again.  But yet there is this yearning inside of me to jog, to play basketball again, or even just to power-walk for a few minutes. 

      So for now I sit here wondering what would happen if I Did try these?  I have a watch that monitors my heart, but would that be enough?  I guess I just keep on at what I'm doing and wait and see, but yet those desires to do the things I haven't been able to in years pull at my heart.  We'll see what happens, for now, one more step at a time.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Break The Walls Down

Breaking down a wall...

     Breaking down a wall can be very tough when it comes to your weight loss adventure. When starting, I set up many goals on the way to my main objective.  The biggest one was the passing of the 200 mark.  This wall, once miles away, is now at my doorstep.

     For years I have been over 200 pounds.  Honestly, I can't tell you how long it has been. I would have to say that the last time I was under the 200 mark would be sometime right before going into high school.  For years I just didn't care about my weight or what I was eating.  Looking back I wish I could take back what I was doing and change my behavior.  Of course this applies to many different situations in my life.  

     The main reason I didn't care about my weight was because I couldn't be an athlete.  So why not just eat the way I wanted to?  Food was good and I didn't want to miss out.  I didn't even think about the fact that the medium pizza I just ate was 2600 calories.  It was good and that was all that mattered.  It may be a little late in life, but I have realized that there is more to eating than, "It tastes good."

     Back to the point, 200 is huge to get under.  I didn't think it was even possible.  I figured I may just have to stay at 220 and call it good.  I have now proven that wrong.  For a week or two I have been close to going under 200.  The see-saw battle I was in finally unveiled a victor.  This morning I stepped onto the scale and on the screen popped 199.  Excited I called Katie into the room just to show her.  This has been one of my goals from the beginning.  Once unachievable, it is now life altering and a new motivation to keep going. My sledgehammer hungers for more walls to break down, and I'm ready for them!

Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm on a see-saw!!!!!!!

The see-saw effect

     201... 205... 203... 206... 202... but at least it has not gone to 210, then again it isn't 200 either.  It can become pretty annoying when your weight keeps alternating like the numbers above.  This is something I have been experiencing the past week or so.  It can be tiring, but I know in the end all of this is one big learning experience.

     What I take from this journey is knowing that in the road of life there are always speed bumps.  Nothing is going to go as planned.  So as one of my favorite songs go, I need to put my shoulder to the wheel.  Weight loss has been an amazing experience.  Where would I be if I would have given up the first time I didn't meet my goal?  Or stopped when I gained instead of lost?  

     I know that I will meet my goal very soon of dropping under 200 pounds.  I know that it is going to keep on taking hard work and determination.  I also know that my objective of weighing 170 will be reached as well.  These things take time and effort and I'm ok with the bumps in the road.

     For now, however, I'm going to keep on this see-saw for as long as I need to until I break through the barriers that are in front of me and destroy my goal.  What I take and learn from here will only strengthen me and prepare me for my next objectives.  One step at a time!  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Its all in this magic pill.... I promise you!!!

This Pill can Solve Everything!

     Did you know that you don't have to change the way you eat!?!  Eat all you want, how you want, when you want, and you my friend can still lose all of the weight you desire!  What is this magical new product that will allow you to conquer your weight problem?  I will tell you right now, the new magic, we are going to speed up your heart, destroy your kidneys, make you into a leaky car, and just might drop a couple pounds off of you!  Now doesn't that just sound awesome?!?

     Fact is there is no such thing.  This is one of those classic cut the crap moments.  Some of these pills may indeed help you lose the weight you want, but at what cost?  I can tell you right off the bat, your stomach is going to be your worse enemy for the time.  Weight loss pills are going to do a number on your stomach.  

     There are many dangers in over the counter weight loss pills.  Both the herbal and non-herbal varieties present many dangers.  In my humble opinion it is not worth it.  Side effects include; nausea, nightmares (yes nightmares), heart palpitations/arrhythmia,vomiting and so much more.   

     One diet test done on herbal diet weight loss pills presented very interesting results.  3 years later 100 of the participants had some kind of kidney problem, 10 years later many of the participants developed urinary tract cancer.  This is not the answer.  It is not worth the impact that these pills can have on your life, including when there are other alternatives.

    What are these alternatives?  Well of course you can get surgery, you can starve yourself or other options that are out there.  However, these are not recommended and unnecessary.  What you need to do is eat Subway twice a day, walk everywhere you go, and become famous!  Haha ok just kidding, I love Jared but let's face it, we all can't afford that and there are other and better options (although Subway is very good).  

     Here comes the words that we all hate.  The best alternative to weight loss pills is changing your diet.  There is no such thing as a magic pill that allows you to eat everything you want and lose the weight you desire to lose.  If there is, trust me, it will make you pay in other ways.  Now, there are some foods that can help you lose weight.  I will give you a brief look at some of these pills, for I plan on talking more in depth about the best super-foods for you in a later blog.

  1. Fiber-  Of course fiber is going to be first.  This will help you keep your pipes clean, and everything moving through your body like it should.  Of course it will help you also lose weight.
  2. Eggs-  New research has proven that eggs do not give you the type of cholesterol that we all fear.  It has taken me a long time to believe this.  In fact eggs have so much great nutrition for you that this is a must in every diet!  
  3. Spices- Spices are awesome!  The best ones being cinnamon, chili peppers, mustard seed, ginger, black pepper, and turmeric are huge boosts to your body.  Cinnamon is natures natural blood sugar stabilizer, chili peppers gets your blood flowing in a natural and healthy way, and ginger helps boost calorie loss.
  4. Protein- Protein helps you in many ways.  After exercising I am sure to eat at least 30 grams of protein, this helps build muscles and in return muscles help burn fat and calories.  It can also help you lose blood fats.
  5. Water-  Water goes a far way in helping you lose weight.  From making you feel fuller to keeping you hydrated and moving.  A healthy amount of water is essential to losing weight.  
     Keep this in mind the next time you are looking at a diet pill.  There are better alternatives that won't wreck your life.  These alternatives in fact will help your life.  I love you all, God bless you!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Slipping sucks

 It happens...

     Last week Kate and I decided that we would go out on a date and enjoy some personal one on one time.  That morning I weighed myself in at 201.  This was going to be a great day, lost weight, get some alone time with my wife, what could go wrong? 

     We went out to a Thai restaurant and had some really good food.  I decided that hey, I was close to being under 200, I could go one day without worrying about what I am eating and just enjoy the day.  Not saying that you shouldn't do this, because it is important to once in a while enjoy yourself and take off the burden of measuring just about everything.  However, this has come back to bite me hard, I think I went overboard. 

     We had some really good food, and afterwords we went out bowling.  We had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves.  Of course I'm not going to tell you how bad I did bowling.  It's been almost two years since I had bowled haha.  Also I'm almost positive those lanes were smaller than most, but anyways. 

     I woke up that morning and stepped on the scale, 208.  I rubbed my eyes, made sure I was awake and then checked the scale to make sure no one had messed with any of the settings.  I sat the scale back down and tried again, and sure enough it was still 208.  That was back breaking.  How did I gain 7 pounds in just one day? 

     That day I decided what is the point and decided again to eat whatever I want without calculating it.  I did exercise however and was pleased when I didn't gain any more.  Quickly I put myself back into the right state of mind and started back on my long trek.  It is six days later and I'm back down to 204.  Just comes to show that there will always be bumps in the road, it's all about what you do when those bumps get in your way.  Sometimes it's hard, but remember why you started your diet.  I quickly remembered the importance of being healthy.  I realized I am going to slip, it's alright too, but don't let it drag me under.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This mornings workout

Just a little insight to my workout this morning.  I can tell you my arms are burning right now!

For starters I warm up with a mixture of stretching and Yoga.  This allows my muscles to get warmed up and get me in the right frame of mind.  Oh and a little bit of Lead Me by Sanctus Real always helps me get going as well.

To start I used a resistance band, two 4 pound weights, and my 8 pound medicine ball. 

My first workout was a chest press using the resistance band, 2 sets of 15.
Second went into doing a seated row with the band, again 2 sets of 15.
From there I did arm curls using the band, 2 sets of 15.
Then switched to Lateral rises using the band, 2 sets of 10 (shoulders fatigued too quick for 15 haha).

Just to let you know I alternate between these.  For example I will do the chest press, move to the row, back to the chest press and then do the second row.

From here I switched it up to the dumbbells.  I did 2 reps of 15 of the squatting arm curls, bracing my back against the wall.
Then I went to triceps extensions, again 2 reps of 15.

I did then some knee bent triceps dips, 2 reps of 10 and medicine ball aided pushups.

Lastly I did with the medicine ball something called clockwork.  Starting by holding the ball at a 12 o'clock position, with locked elbows I went clockwise going from 12 to 12, and then reversed it back counterclockwise, one of those is a rep and man do those burn.

Then it was chow time!  Loaded up on some carbs and protein with some ground turkey fried up in onions and topped it on some brown rice. 

Just another day in the office. It might be a little time consuming and painful but I am seeing the results in my arms, so it's worth it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mono a whata a what...?

The 6 Benefits of Monounsaturated Fats (MUFAs)

by (2011)
Why consume processed foods full of trans fats when you could have delicious meals made with heart healthy olive oil? Besides tasting great, olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, a good fat that has amazing health benefits!

Good fats, bad fats, what’s the difference?
With all the nutritional information out there it can be tough to keep everything straight. In fact, just a few years ago, low fat diets were all the rage.
But cutting edge research supports what people living in Mediterranean climates have known for generations: a diet with monounsaturated fats is a recipe for a healthy heart and a slim body.

Monounsaturated Fats: That Means Good, Right?
Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) are good fats. Liquid at room temperature, they turn solid when they are chilled. Common sources of MUFAs are olive oil, avocadoes and nuts.
Monounsaturated fats are a healthy alternative to the trans fats and refined polyunsaturated fats you find in most processed foods.
Research shows that diets with healthy amounts of monounsaturated fats have a host of amazing health benefits, including:1
  • Decreased risk for breast cancer. A study of women in Sweden found that those with diets higher in monounsaturated fats (as opposed to polyunsaturated fats) resulted in less frequent incidence of breast cancer.
  • Reduced cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association recommends the consumption of MUFAs to improve your blood lipid profile.
  • Lower risk for heart disease and stroke. Diets with monounsaturated fats correlate with healthy hearts and fewer strokes.
  • Weight loss. Studies have found that switching to monounsaturated fat from diets with trans fats and polyunsaturated fats results in weight loss.
  • Less severe pain and stiffness for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis. Diet plays a role in improving the pain and stiffness of those who already have rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Reduced belly fat. A study published by the American Diabetes Association found that diets with monounsaturated fat could improve the loss of belly fat better than high carbohydrate diets.
Besides protecting your heart, decreasing your risk for certain cancer AND helping you maintain a healthy weight, sources of monounsaturated fat taste great!
You can do something good for yourself with every delicious mouthful of foods rich in monounsaturated fat.
Make the Most of MUFAs With These Foods
Great sources of monounsaturated fats are:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocadoes
  • Tea Seed Oil (more on this new oil below)
  • Almonds, cashew nuts and pecans
  • Macadamia nuts
The Body Ecology system for health and healing recommends using a delicious variety of healthy fats…including plenty of the monounsaturated fats mentioned above. Use them instead of the hydrogenated fats found in margarine and processed fats found in refined vegetables oils. If you haven’t changed your oils yet and still eat bad fats...changing to the wonderful fats and oils recommended on the Body Ecology Diet is one of the most important first steps you can take.
If cooking with monounsaturated fats is new to you, here are some Body Ecology-friendly tips to help you get started!
  1. Use a bit of olive oil when you low-temperature sauté your vegetables to keep them from sticking to the pan.
  2. Roll avocadoes, blanched and sliced vegetables and cultured vegetables in sheets of nori for a vegetarian, heart- healthy sushi roll.
  3. Macadamia Nut Oil adds a delicious buttery flavor to any Green Smoothie recipe.
  4. Imperial Republic’s culinary Tea Seed oil from the Camilla sinensis (tea plant) is an extra virgin oil from China. It has a high flash point of up to 485 degrees so can be used for low-temperature sautéing. It’s also delicious on top of vegetables, quinoa and in salad dressings.
  5. Dip celery and carrot sticks into raw almond butter for a delicious treat.
Switching your fat intake from bad fats to good fats could be one of the best (and best tasting) decisions you ever make!

The Body Ecology Diet. (2011). The 6 Benefits of Monounsaturated Fats. Retrieved from               

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weight Loss Update!!!

May 1st Weight in and Measurements

     Another good month, kinda hit a plateau but still managed some weight loss and cut inches. 

        April 1st , 2011

May 1st, 2011
 40.5 in
39.5 in
38 in
38 in
Waist to Hip
Body Fat %
              29.1 (overweight)
28.3 (overweight)

Monday, April 25, 2011

I don't have time to exercise...

Finding the Time…
            I always had an excuse when it came to not exercising.  My number one reason for not doing it was that there just was no time to exercise.  I would go out with my friends, play video games, or watch TV.  For some reason that seemed to be the better alternative then exercising.  When I started to work again after my ICD was implanted, that only added to the reason of not wanting to exercise. 
            Eventually in 2008 Kate and I got memberships to a gym in order for us to go and get fit.  We started to use the facilities regularly and were getting trim and fit.  This was becoming routine for us to go about 3 to 4 times a week to work out and both of us were feeling good from our decision.  

            A few months later however, it was all stopped by one turtle shell (back brace). In March a car accident slowed down my progress and I regained all I had loss plus some extra.  I was back to making my excuses of I don't have time, I don't feel well enough, I just can't do it.  It took us having our 3rd child to realize that there is more to life than just breathing the air.  If I want to be there to watch my girls grow and watch them start families of their own, I needed to stop making those excuses.  

            I already have a setback in my life being born with my heart the way it is.  I finally realized one important thing in my life is my health.  I cannot be obese anymore and expect to be around for my kids.  I needed to cut the excuses I had when it came to exercise, so I created ways to use what time I have. 

           Sometimes I am really busy and there does not seem to be time to do any sort of exercise.  Instead of missing out, I compromise.  Whenever I go up the stairs I will stop towards the top and use the stairs to do 10-20 push ups.  When I go down the stairs I will stop on the stairs again and do dips to work on my triceps.  When I'm standing at work and not really doing too much I will do calf raises or squats.  I have decided I should not care what others think, I'm getting healthier.

            It is important to realize that we won't always have time to take 20 minutes out of our day and commit it to working out.  However we can find ways to incorporate workouts into our day.  Take time and look into your day and see just what you can do to exercise while you are busy.  It can be walking instead of driving, going up stairs instead of using an elevator, taking the long way, or even standing there and do some calf raises.  It is important to get exercise in, I try at least 6 times a week.  It is for my health.  It is for my kids and my wife.  Life is precious and I'm just now learning how to treasure and extend it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

7th Grade Bullys...

Kids are tough...

     Growing up I never really saw myself as the fat kid.  I would see movies and other kids that were bigger than me and I felt that I was just a little bigger than normal.  I thought that what I was, was normal.  My parents didn't tell me any different.  The only person who would tell me I needed to drop a few pounds would be my doctor and what did he know?  

     I wish that I would have eaten healthier as a kid, but I have to now share what I experienced in the hope that others can learn before it's too late.  There are always going to be something kids will find about you that they do not like or want to let you know about.  As a kid it is extremely hard to handle what kids have to say about you.

     In seventh grade, instances very much pop out in my head that let me know not just how poor we were, but how overweight I was.  We didn't have the money to buy me a new coat that year so I wore the one from the year before, even though I had grown out of it.  It was the year that the movie Tommy Boy with Chris Farley was very popular.  One kid, who I thought was my friend, saw it and decided it would be funny to use a popular line from that movie on me.  "Fat guy in a little coat." It didn't take long for that to catch on with other kids, leading to not just being teased, but picked on by physical abuse as well.  

     We all had our demons when we were kids.  Many of us were picked on for one thing or another.  It is more important than ever to help our kids avoid being bullied.   It took a lot but I was eventually able to overcome the bulling I had unleashed onto me.  Eventually in high school kids started to see me for what I was, not for how I looked.  However, I do wish that I would have been more educated about my weight when I was younger.

     Bulling is rising and is becoming more of a concern in today's society.  It may seem like kids just being kids, or a little bit of teasing, but I've been there and know that is just the start.  It's time to cut the crap of giving kids excuses and not holding them accountable for their actions.  My teasing started as just teasing, then lead to being pushed into lockers, and being made fun of worse than just Fat kid in a little coat.  It is time to speak up for our kids.  Many schools do not put up with kids being bullied, but can't help if they don't know. Speak up.  Not just for your child, but for all the children that may be being bullied by the same kid.
     Also, I have determined that there is nothing wrong with teaching our kids about eating healthy and exercising.  I wonder if someone would have had a serious talk with me about these issues if things may have been different.  Too many of our kids today are obese, but we must be sensitive to their feelings.  If we educate them on eating right and exercising and lead by example, then their weight will become a healthy weight without hurting their feelings.  We need to make sure we aren't one of those bullies when it comes to our kids weight. 

     It is going to take a huge movement to not just change the way our kids eat at home, but also at school.  Education is the greatest weapon we have today against weight loss.  Who knows, maybe you will also learn something yourself. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

To stumble is to learn...

Stumbling Blocks shouldn't block you...

     Many times I have fallen during my diets.  I would get to a certain point or a certain weight and be excited with what I had accomplished.  However, it would only take one stumbling block to make me feel like I couldn't maintain it and would give up, reverting to my old ways.  It was one stumble after another after another.  I would allow anything to give me the excuse to quit and not worry about it anymore.  In recent years, since getting married to Kate and having kids, I tried a few times to lose weight.

     The first time I was able to get down to 245 pounds from my 287 weight.  I was going to the gym, working out, and eating better.  Then in April 2008, everything changed.  I was working at my job as a delivery driver and was hit by another driver.  My back received some compression fractures and my knee was injured (resulting in knee surgery).  I decided that losing weight was no longer important, since I wasn't physically able to do much for many months.  I know that is a good reason, but there was no reason for me to start eating the way I did.  I gained back the 40 pounds I had lost.  

     I know that it was hard to exercise while being in a turtle shell and that I was not able to do much, but I didn't track my calories anymore and was eating like I shouldn't have been.  It took me a long time to recover and give losing weight another chance.  You can look at my earlier blog and see my picture from October 2009, I still had all the weight back on me.  

     Between 2009 and up until a few months ago, I was up and down on my weight.  I would go for a few weeks while working out and eating right, just to give up or let one bad day ruin all the progress I had made.  I don't know why but I just could not keep it up.
      In December I knew that my diets would never lead to anywhere and that I was going to stay unhealthy if I didn't make a change.  I needed to lose weight, get healthy, and stop allowing one little hiccup stop me.  I became determined to instead of letting those stumbling blocks get in my way, to instead use them as motivation and create a deeper desire inside of me.  
     I prayed and I broke myself down.  When I was building up my new foundation I prayed and thought about how I can use those stumbling blocks to my advantage.  One thing I found was when I would stumble I needed to see what caused that stumble and how to get around it.  Once I would find the root of the problem, whether it be depression, anger, boredom, or just laziness, I would look at how to use that to my advantage. 
     It's finding that opportunity that seems to be the hardest part about stumbling.  In times of depression or anger, I noticed that yoga would greatly help me with those issues.  Yoga allows me to collect my thoughts and be able to just think about what it is that is bothering me.  On top of that, I would get the exercise I needed by the stretching yoga provides.  

     In times of boredom, I knew that I couldn't just sit around and eat.  I needed to occupy my mind.  Whether I read my scriptures, worked out, or went for a walk, I would find something to do.  It is very important to not let those stumbles get in your way.  I have learned that gaining knowledge and learning from those stumbles makes you stronger and healthier.  


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Time to watch your salt intake...

The details: Americans adults, on average, take in nearly 3,500 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day, mostly through salty food, but it sneaks in through beverages and condiments, too. The new guidelines stipulate that adults in general should toe the line and eat no more than 2,300 mg of salt a day—about one teaspoon's worth. Anyone 51 or older and/or living with high blood pressure, as well as all African American adults, is encouraged to limit sodium intake to just 1,500 mg.

It's well known that eating too much salt is linked to heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. But more and more research is finding that a high-salt diet causes other serious and life-threatening diseases, including these three: 

1. Cancer A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at 80,000 Japanese adults and found that excess salt is linked to a 15-percent higher risk of developing cancer.

2. Osteoporosis High-salt diets also effect bone health, explains Jones. "High-salt diets have been shown to increase calcium loss," she explains. "When your bones lose calcium, they become weak. Over time, this leads to osteoporosis."
Jones points out that for every 2,300 mg of sodium ingested, on average, you excrete about 20 to 60 more milligrams of calcium.

3. Dementia Other studies have found a link between high blood pressure and dementia. Since too much salt can send blood pressure skyrocketing, cutting out excess sodium could help save your brain, too. "Researchers have shown that treating hypertension can reduce dementia due to Alzheimer's disease by half," says Jones. "Maybe your forgetfulness isn't due to getting older—it could be caused by how much salt you eat!" 

What it means: Americans are addicted to salt. In fact, Jones notes that brain scans show that consuming it causes the brain to release dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with the pleasure center, as it does when you eat fat and sugar. "That makes them highly additive, like nicotine and cocaine," Jones notes. But it is possible to beat the addiction, and that act can have wide-ranging, positive effects on your health. Much of the excess salt in our diet comes from processed and packaged grocery-store food, and restaurant and fast-food menu options (remember the Denny's lawsuit, when the restaurant chain was sued over the 2,600 mg of sodium in its turkey sandwiches, served with fries?). Some of it lurks in healthy vegetables that have been canned, or even "healthy" sandwich ingredients—things we turn to when we need to make dinner on the fly. "As our lives have become increasingly more hectic and fast-paced, salty processed and fast foods have become staples," says Jones. 

One way to make strides in shrinking your salt intake is to target the worst offenders. Here's a list of some of the saltiest.

Top 10 Seriously Salty Foods in the Grocery Store (sodium content varies among brands)
1. Frozen TV dinners, 800 to 2,000-plus milligrams (mg)
2. Frozen pizza, 2,645 mg
3. Pretzel rods, 1,350 mg
4. Canned chili, 1040 mg
5. Lunch meat, 150 mg per slice
6. Canned soup, 870 mg
7. Packaged macaroni and cheese, 533 mg
8. Flour tortilla, 450 mg
9. Canned vegetables, 250 mg
10. Breakfast cereal, 175 mg

Top 10 Seriously Salty Restaurant Foods
1. Romano's Macaroni Grill Spaghetti e Meatballs with Bolognese, 3,040 mg
2. Quiznos Classic Italian Large Sub, 3,420 mg
3. Ruby Tuesday Shrimp Carbonara Pasta Classic, 3,766 mg
4. IHOP Country Chicken Fried Steak & Eggs with Sausage Gravy, 4,050 mg
5. California Pizza Kitchen Jamaican Jerk Pizza 4,236 mg
6. Red Lobster Admiral's Feast, 4,300 mg
7. Outback Steakhouse Bloomin' Onion, 5,508 mg
8. Applebee's Sizzling Skillet Shrimp Fajitas, 6,060 mg
9. Chili's Jalapeno Smokehouse Burger with Jalapeno Ranch, 6,460 mg
10. Cheesecake Factory, Factory Appetizer Favorites 6,700 mg

Once you start cutting some of the most sodium-dense foods in America out of your menu, Jones recommends focusing on eating foods rich in the minerals potassium, magnesium, and calcium to bring your body back into balance. These foods include: beet greens, spinach, yogurt, sweet potatoes, white beans, sardines, and bananas.

By Leah Zerbe,
Thu, Mar 31, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Great way to start off the day...


I have noticed a huge difference in my flexibility and my relaxation since starting yoga.  I try to do it everyday after I wake up.  These are a few of the benefits of yoga.

The Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years, and currently, close to 11 million Americans are enjoying its health benefits. Yoga can hardly be called a trend.

Most Westernized yoga classes focus on learning physical poses, which are called asanas. They also usually include some form of breathing technique and possibly a meditation technique as well. Some yoga classes are designed purely for relaxation. But there are styles of yoga that teach you how to move your body in new ways. Choosing one of these styles offers the greatest health benefits by enabling you to develop your flexibility, strength, and balance.

Yoga benefits: Flexibility

When some people think of yoga, they imagine having to stretch like a gymnast. That makes them worry that they're too old, unfit, or "tight" to do yoga. The truth is you're never too old to improve flexibility.

The series of yoga poses called asanas work by safely stretching your muscles. This releases the lactic acid that builds up with muscle use and causes stiffness, tension, pain, and fatigue. In addition, yoga increases the range of motion in joints. It may also increase lubrication in the joints. The outcome is a sense of ease and fluidity throughout your body.

Yoga stretches not only your muscles but all of the soft tissues of your body. That includes ligaments, tendons, and the fascia sheath that surrounds your muscles. And no matter your level of yoga, you most likely will see benefits in a very short period of time. In one study, participants had up to 35% improvement in flexibility after only eight weeks of yoga. The greatest gains were in shoulder and trunk flexibility.

Yoga benefits: Strength

Some styles of yoga, such as ashtanga and power yoga, are more vigorous than others. Practicing one of these styles will help you improve muscle tone.

But even less vigorous styles of yoga, such as Iyengar yoga, which focuses on less movement and more precise alignment in poses, can provide strength and endurance benefits.

Many of the poses, such as Downward Dog, Upward Dog, and Plank pose, build upper-body strength. This becomes crucial as people age. The standing poses, especially if you hold them for several long breaths, build strength in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and abdominal muscles. Poses that strengthen the lower back include Upward Dog and Chair pose. When practiced correctly, nearly all poses build core strength in the deep abdominal muscles.

Yoga benefits: Posture

With increased flexibility and strength comes better posture. Most standing and sitting poses develop core strength. That's because you're counting on your deep abdominals to support and maintain each pose. With a stronger core, you're more likely to sit and stand "tall." Another benefit of yoga is the increased body awareness. This heightened awareness tells you more quickly when you're slouching or slumping so you can adjust your posture.

One of the best yoga DVD's out on the market today for beginners!

International Association of Yoga Therapists: "Health Benefits of Yoga."
American Council on Exercise: "ACE Yoga Study."
Sarley, D. and Sarley, I. The Essentials of Yoga, The Omega Institute and Dell Publishing, 1999. "Doctors study the health benefits of yoga."
Reviewed by Matthew Hoffman, MD on August 12, 2008