Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I decided I was going to create my own diet.  Using what I know works, and what I have researched I combined it all to have created a pretty successful plan so far.  I was sitting at 202 not just a few days ago, now I am already down to 194.  I am beginning to remember however one of the biggest factors to being able to lose weight.  You have to be dedicated.  Dedication is the key to anything you want to do in your life.

Dedication has gotten me to where I am today.  For 28 years almost, I could not dedicate myself to losing weight.  I would stop, look in the mirror, and say "I need to lose weight."  I would hate what I saw in the mirror to the point of where I'd almost want to just shatter the image that stood before me.  Why is it that we are able to dedicate ourselves to so much in the world but we struggle the most trying to dedicate to our health?

I was a dedicated husband, a dedicated father, and a dedicated worker but I left myself out to hang.  Last night I looked in the mirror and thought back to what I use to see when I would look at myself.  Why did it take so long for me to change how I use to look to what I am now?  I love working out and it can show, I love eating healthy, I love the fact that I can do more now and no longer do I really suffer from the heart troubles that once plagued me.

It's all about dedication.  If you want to diet, you need to become dedicated, end of story.  Once you are dedicated you can make the weight shed off.